Wilt and Flutter

A swirling riot of colors on the top half of the image, blends into a contrasting pool of serenity, reflecting the colors above.

“Wilt and Flutter”

OutOfExile_IDR – © 2022

Mystery’s flower
wilting before me.
I long for the hour
fog lifts and we see.
A voice from within says,
“Be still and just be”.

I suddenly cower,
fortitude fleeting.
The sonnet that deafens
my shattered heart’s beating.

The last thing I wanted,
the first thing I need.
What garden has nurtured
this mirroring seed.

What dreams may become
of this fair wilting flower?
The radiant reflection
now sweetens the sour.

A muse? A façade?
A kind apparition?
No matter of what,
I can’t help but listen.

It defies definition.

Fluttering fumbling
illuminates dark.
The glistening brilliance
now calls me… I hark.

Emerald bleu inquisition,
deconstructing my will.
Beckoning, piercing, occupying.
Be still.

OutOfExile_IDR™ – © 2024

A full moon obscured by trees, with chrome 3D text reading: Out of Exile - Invisible Disability Rights", is superimposed over a still from my raw footage of the solar eclipse. The full moon and Chrome OutOfExile text glows, as if part of the diamond ring effect.
The full moon image is a a still from footage taken in New Hampshire – 2015. 
All images, graphics and designs by: OutOfExile_IDR™ ©2021 ©2024

All writings, images, graphics, logos, and other content by: OutOfExile_IDR™ unless credited otherwise.

All Rights Reserved. No Scraping.

Image artist unknown


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