Spinning” is not the political or media kind, but does require a pen. No hand to hand occurred. The concept is about the power of words. Choose them wisely.
“Inside My Spinning”
OutOfExile_IDR – © 1992
Here to pass the time,
I hide inside my spinning,
away from all the nettles fenced around.
Somewhere far away are all the saplings I have trampled under foot,
wailing for recompense,
their recompense not found.
So, to mend the wounds of conscience,
I hide inside my spinning.
Battles hand to hand yet rage,
though I have not a part;
twas, the rudder of my ship’s the cause.
The foolish prose of mine disperse,
as words of anger start.
So, I seek the therapeutic,
my spinning through the time.
Deep inside the lion roars…
the wheel squeaks…
searching for compassion,
there is no peace of mind.
The lion yet has much to learn,
in the jungle of the meek.
Tread softly, carry no stick.
For thunderous steps cause doves to fly,
and weapons kill the peace we seek.
So, the lion journeys on,
a shattered dream,
a broken train of thought.
Yet is is written, someday he will find:
Compassion, peace and understanding;
all the things that he has sought.
But for now, the paradigm,
I live behind a spoken mime.
Adrift aloft this swirling rhyme,
For now to pass the time…
I hide inside my spinning.
OutOfExile_IDR™ – © 2024
All writings, images, graphics, logos, and other content by: OutOfExile_IDR™ unless credited otherwise.
All Rights Reserved. No Scraping.
Image Courtesy of Albert-Paul: https://pixabay.com/users/albert-paul-4203169/