“Crash into Reality”

Image of the sky, from the view of a person, standing on a path in the woods. Large trees, with thinning leaves frame the heavens between. Painted in vivid radiance, by the final rays of the setting sun, the night sky begins to awaken. Cerulean and Royal azure, blend into magenta, amethyst and blushing crimson, as the sun slips away until a new day begins. Image Courtesy of: susan-lu4esm (Susan Cipriano) – Image Courtesy of: susan-lu4esm (Susan Cipriano)

“Crash into Reality”

OutOfExile_IDR – © 1988

Listen to a reading of this poem (1:03)

I raise my head towards the sky, to see a ring of clouds pass by
my head of swelling agony, inside a world I seldom see.
A fleeting glance at coming night.
The spectral change of setting sunlight.

How I long… How I think,
with every quest, that I pursue.
The tide has washed me, now I sink,
to rise again a new.

A sparrow perched against the sky, sings a sad, sweet lullaby.
She sees the anguish that I feel, so sings to me for wounds to heal.
Yet, with the sun still in my eye,
I sink, still deeper, through the lie.

The bird has flown, the clouds elapsed,
and night has now encompassed me.
The seed within me, now has passed, the fog lifts, and I see,
the longing still a mystery,
as I crash… into reality.

OutOfExile_IDR™ – © 2024

A full moon obscured by trees, with chrome 3D text reading: Out of Exile - Invisible Disability Rights", is superimposed over a still from my raw footage of the solar eclipse. The full moon and Chrome OutOfExile text glows, as if part of the diamond ring effect.
The full moon image is a a still from footage taken in New Hampshire – 2015. 
All images, graphics and designs by: OutOfExile_IDR™ ©2021 ©2024

All writings, images, graphics, logos, and other content by: OutOfExile_IDR™ unless credited otherwise.

All Rights Reserved. No Scraping.

Image Courtesy of: susan-lu4esm (Susan Cipriano)


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