I was sick, and you said “You look fine to me”.
I was sick, and you cast me off.
I was sick, and you used it against me.
I was sick, and you took my health care.
I was sick, and you battered and killed.
I was sick, and you fought for a wooden hammer.
I was sick, and you fought about blue and red.
I was sick, and you fought as the nations watched with disdain.
I was sick, and you fought the “wrong” while resembling it.
I was sick, as you fought for “all” but, forgot about us.
OutofExile_IDR © 2023
My adaptation of Matthew 25:39 inspired by the work below. (Not an endorsement for religion)
I was hungry, and you blamed it on the communist
I was hungry, and you circled the moon.
I was hungry, and you told me to wait
I was hungry, and you set up a commission.
I was hungry, and you said “So were my ancestors”.
I was hungry, and you said we don’t hire over 35.
I was hungry, you said God helps those…
I was hungry, and you told me I shouldn’t be.
I was hungry, and you told me machines do that work now.
I was hungry, and you had napalm bills to pay.
I was hungry, and you said the poor are always with us.
Lord, when did we see you hungry?
Adaptation of Matthew 25:37 by Anonymous – 1971
Image by Alex Velazquez: https://pixabay.com/users/alex2171-3560455
Originally posted: July 29, 2023 to OutOfExile_IDR § Voice on Mastodon
OutOfExile_IDR™ – © 2024
All writings, images, graphics, logos, and other content by: OutOfExile_IDR™ unless credited otherwise.
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